Monday, April 9, 2012

Room Painting

In July, before we had the floors installed, we painted a wall in the kids rooms.  The rooms aren't huge, so we'd decided that one wall of color would be enough and we chose to paint the lowest wall where the ceiling starts at 1.60 m.

Despite the prospect of a brand new house, the kids had a hard time dealing with the whole move. All throughout the process we tried to find ways to make the whole situation easier and more appealing. One thing we'd promised from the beginning was that they could choose the color they'd like to have in their rooms. We spent a lot of time collecting paint chip cards and debating colors, but when it came down to it, both Chiara and Devin went for their favorite colors. And not the pastel versions of those colors, as you will see below. Hot pink and bright orange were duly purchased and we got to work.

After we'd taped everything off, we got to work and the kids had their first graffiti experiences. I know the colors look pretty bright, but in real life they aren't quite so bad...really.

Oh, and if anyone was wondering about Finley's room, he was away at that point. We had still planned to do his room, but he still hasn't decided on a color and I think he is actually enjoying the plain white. 


Throughout the months of May, June, and July 2011, work on the inside of the house progressed. Sometimes it felt like the work was flying, but very often it felt like it was dragging. 

We were so worried that the work wouldn't all be done in time for our move, and we had to be out of our other house by the end of September. 

The pictures below show some of the progress that took place. The funny snake-like things are the in-floor heating tubes. 

After the Scaffolding

When the scaffolding finally came down in June, we were able to really see the house for the first time. The lower half of the house hadn't been painted at this point and the garage still had to be delivered. It was still all very exciting. We spent most of the summer visiting daily to check on the progress on the inside of the house.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Day the House Went Up

After a very long break, I am back with a new computer and trying to catch up on the photos from the house build. This post will be very photo heavy, so get ready. The day the before the house arrived, the company came and put up a frame within which they planned to work. Four large trucks also arrived, with all of the main pieces of the house. 

There was a large crane to lift the pieces off the backs of the trucks.

The building plan....

The first piece was an end piece and was lifted up and over the scaffolding frame and lowered down onto the foundation. (next picture)

The piece was propped up while the other end piece was lowered to the other side...

...and then the third piece was lowered into place and they were screwed together with huge screws. 

All of this was done in a matter of about 45 minutes. Here comes the fourth piece.

The windows were then all opened and the first floor was put into place.

The next few pictures show the second floor being set up. 

Kind of the Mountain, Devin. We have a lot of these, since the mounds of dirt in back of the house were just too tempting.

By late afternoon the roof was on and half of the tiles had been done on the far side of the house. This is after ONE day! It was incredible.

The final photo shows our front door at the end of the first day.